To realise the Atma the Soul, it takes a continuous effort to go beyond the mind and the churning of the thoughts.

The science of kriya-yoga is actually quite extensive:

Throughout the ages, Mahavatar Babaji has given different kriya techniques to many masters, in accordance with the needs of humanity at the time.

Without Kriya Shaktiphat, our spiritual effort is like trying to grow a tree in the desert however, with the grace of the masters and the practising of Kriya Yoga this effort suddenly becomes a flourishing oasis in the desert where the fruits of realising the soul manifest in this life.

Atma Kriya Yoga:

Means ‘action with awareness of the soul’. Ultimately, it is a practice that gives you a lived experience of unconditional Divine Love. It is not merely a meditation practice; it is a way of living and loving life.

One of the really precious attributes of Atma Kriya Yoga is the Shaktipat Initiation which means ‘descent of grace’ from the master to the student. The grace given during the initiation protects and guides the yogi during their practice and helps them to rapidly advance on their spiritual path.

Mahavatar Babaji

Father of Kriya-Yoga Mahavatar Babaji has been the guardian of this secret knowledge and these powerful techniques since His appearance in the world. He is known as the father of all kriya-yoga traditions, and He is the living embodiment of kriya-yoga. The science of kriya-yoga is actually quite extensive.

Spoken about by Paramahamsa Yogananda in Autobiography of a Yogi, Atma Kriya Yoga is a direct connection to Mahavatar Kriya Babaji and the Realised Masters who have given the grace to teach Kriya Yoga today, helping us to realise the Divine within, becoming this unconditional love that is the true nature of the soul.

Offering a simple yet profoundly effective meditation technique, providing a swift route to higher consciousness and profound personal transformation. By nurturing the development of the mind, body, intellect, and soul awareness, it holds the promise of significant change.

This approach is inclusive and non-sectarian, devoid of harsh ascetic practices, making it accessible to both those immersed in modern life and those seeking solitude in remote mountain caves.

The term ‘kriya’ symbolizes the integration of work and worship, blending daily activities with spiritual devotion. By cultivating a constant awareness of the soul’s power within, even the most mundane tasks can become acts of worship, elevating life to a sacred level. The practice yields fruits of calmness, peace, joy, love, and compassion, available to all who approach it with sincerity and humility.

Grounded in the science of breath, Kriya Yoga enhances spiritual endeavours by highlighting the interconnectedness of breath and mind. This reciprocal relationship unveils the key to mastering the mind: ‘Control over breath is self-control; mastery of breath is mastery of the self.’ Through breath mastery, one can glimpse the divine presence.

A dedicated seeker walking the path of Kriya Yoga with love, devotion, and a thirst for spiritual growth can attain self-realization or enlightenment in this lifetime. While drawing inspiration from various yogic traditions, Kriya Yoga finds its essence primarily in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.

Kriya Yoga works through the following techniques that make up the Kriya Practice:

Shaktipat: Grace from the Kriya Masters to accelerate your Spiritual Transformation. The Shakti Phat is the key that unlocks the techniques that allow the transformation from Human consciousness to Divine Consciousness.
Main Kriya: Raise your consciousness • Unite Body and Soul • Burn Negative Karma with every breath
Japa Kriya: Awaken the Divine qualities within by reciting an ancient Sanskrit prayer.
Sound Yoga: Strengthen your intuition by listening to your heart.
Pranayama: Observe and control your breath with mantras.
Mudras: Align your energy in your physical body through hand and body yoga.

Shaktipat Initiation

Once a student receives Shaktipat, all the Masters are present whenever the yogi sits to do their practice; they are there to guide, bless and support the practitioner. The initiation illuminates the path to help yogis make the ultimate journey, out of the mind and into the heart of Divine Love.

The Shaktipat Initiation into Kriya Yoga transfers the grace of all kriya masters to the initiates, so they are protected in their practice and can rapidly advance on their spiritual path. Shaktipat is not simply a blessing; it is a hands-on transference of Shakti, divine energy. It is the essence of kriya-yoga.

It is Mahavatar Babaji and Paramahamsa Vishwananda Themselves. Kriya Yoga techniques are incredibly powerful, and the Shaktipat Initiation guarantees the success of the techniques and the safety of the student. In essence, it is the key in the car that ignites the kriya, unlocks the chakras, and paves the way for one to realise their true Self.

Those who have taken the Shaktipat, the transference of grace all have the same understanding and experience and words cannot express the connection with the soul that springs forth.

Who is Mahavatar Babaji?

Mahavatar Babaji is a great yogi who has mastered the art of immortality. He is known as the father of all the modern kriya-yoga traditions. Mahavatar Babaji appeared more than 5000 years ago. When Mahavatar Babaji was about to leave His own body, 1800 years ago, His sister Mataji intervened saying, ‘If it makes no difference to you, then please stay in your body until everyone has attained the true purpose of their lives.’ Moved by His sister’s request, Mahavatar Babaji agreed and committed His life to serve humanity on its path toward realisation, both Self- and God-realisation. He is still alive today, residing in the remote regions of the Himalayas.


Dhaanamjay has been teaching, initiating and practising Kriya Yoga for 20 years which is a deep form of meditation handed down from the Saints of India.

Alongside that, He has travelled the East and West for many years living in Various Ashrams and Monasteries practising, learning, conducting and teaching Vedic prayers and rituals and is now bringing all of that knowledge to His retreats to allow people the depth and beauty of the eastern philosophy and tradition, Santana Dharma.

If you would like to learn Kriya Yoga please get in touch so we can schedule an introductory call.