Mahavatar Babaji 40 Day Guided Meditation

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This is a guided meditation that one should do each day for 10 min to attune your Vibration to Mahavatar Babaji.

From Mahavatar Kriya Babaji:

For forty days consecutively, I invite you to rest awhile in quietness as I lead you in meditation to attune you to my vibration. My invitation requests that you mediate with Me rather than on Me. At any time after the first of the forty days following the meditation given below, you may feel free to attune to my vibration quickly. Simply focus on the third eye briefly and see me in your heart chakra taking only a few seconds and I will be with you.

There is no need to worry about time as the track will tell you when 10 min is up, all you have to do is allow yourself to go deep within.

Track 1

• Tibetan healing bell
• Opening Prayers and Invocations

Track 2

• Guided Meditation
• Tibetan healing bell to start 10min meditation with Mahavatar Babaji

Track 3

• Tibetan healing bell to end 10 min meditation
• Closing Mantra Prayers


• Sit at your Altar or in a place of solitude and quietness with your spine straight, even if sitting in a chair. If you can sit in the yogic posture that is good, but it is necessary only that your spine be straight.
• Close your eyes and focus your physical eyes and attention on the Ajna chakra or third eye.
• Allow your mind to have any thought it wants to bring into your awareness and do not hold onto the thought. Simply allow thoughts to come and pass effortlessly out your consciousness like a travelling cloud on a beautiful and quiet summer’s day.
• When your mind is stilled somewhat, move your awareness to the heart chakra and focus your consciousness into the spiritual heart which lies in the vicinity of the physical heart.
• Know, feel or see a sphere of light in the spiritual heart and take your time to nurture the light through feeling your connection with my vibration.
• See me sitting in a yogic posture in the middle of the light in your heart centre. However, you are aware of me is how it is for you and there is no right or wrong. I may appear to you as a vibration, light or physical form.
• I now hand you a Tulsi leaf which is not physical but simply a vibration of light which I use as a symbolic gesture of friendship now as we meditate together. Meditate with me for 10 minutes minimum and optimally one hour or longer each day for 40 consecutive days. If you choose, it will please me greatly if you mediate one hour or longer each of the forty days.
• Those of you who have taken the Kriya Yoga Initiation and are practising it may incorporate this time of meditation with me into your regular practice by using 10 minutes minimum that time for this method.
• I send my love to you eternally. I am at your service and await you at the time of your decision to sit with me in meditation for ten minutes or one hour and more for forty successive days.

With Love Mahavatar Babaji

You can preview the Mantra here: